Website Preferences

Chassis Number (VIN) List

1994 Subaru Legacy 2.0 GL AWD Manual

List for Applied ModelBG5AL4J   Search Code
1994 Legacy Touring Wagon

Please note that for legal reasons we are unable to show the full VIN or Chassis Number.

Chassis Numbers (VIN)
First Date31st January 1994
Last Date28th June 1994
Colour Codes
230 White2617.57%
265 Red2617.57%
406 Silver2114.19%
443 Green2013.51%
416 Blue1711.49%
474 Grey1610.81%
444 Green Grey149.46%
372 Red85.41%
Option Codes
Trim Codes

148 Results

Chassis Number (VIN)OptionColourTrimDate
1JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH23045031 January 1994
2JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4444102 February 1994
3JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH44341011 February 1994
4JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH26545028 February 1994
5JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH2654501 March 1994
6JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4434102 March 1994
7JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4064104 March 1994
8JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH2304507 March 1994
9JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4164108 March 1994
10JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4164101 April 1994
11JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH2654501 April 1994
12JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4434102 April 1994
13JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4064104 April 1994
14JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH2304504 April 1994
15JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4434105 April 1994
16JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4744105 April 1994
17JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4434106 April 1994
18JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH2654506 April 1994
19JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH4434107 April 1994
20JF1BG5LJ4RG-######(KS)PH2304507 April 1994
Results limited to 20 chassis numbers from 148 found.
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Please note that for legal reasons we are unable to show the full VIN or Chassis Number, and the last four digits will remain hidden.