Subaru Information webpages


These web pages have been written by a Subaru enthusiast for use by fellow enthusiasts, and are intended to bring together the bits of information found over several years of Subaru ownership. Most of the information is related to JDM (Japanese Domestic Market) Legacy models, built between 1990 and 2005, but other models are included. It is not a comprehensive guide, and has no connection to Subaru or any other business or dealership. If and when more information is found the web pages will be updated.

Work in progress

Web pages that still require some work but may be of use…

Website updates

22nd September 2024Support for US-spec Subaru XT6 added.
20th January 2024Overall production numbers now shown with Applied Model searches (Desktop version only).
3rd September 2023Additional specifications for First Generation JDM Impreza models.
21st May 2023Profile Links bug fixed.
14th May 2023Canadian specification Subaru Forester (3rd Generation "SH") now fully supported.