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4th August to 7th August 2017 “Nürburgring '17” (2017)


The PeopleThe Subarus
@Adam's Avatar@Adam
@Bip's Avatar@Bip
@Fruity's Avatar@Fruity
@MidniteRS@MrSprint's Avatar@MrSprint
@Tlag's Avatar@Tlag
#P733RBK Avatar#P733RBK#P888CHY Avatar#P888CHY

“Nürburgring '17” Photographs

Friday 4th AugustDay 1

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Sunday 6th AugustDay 3

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Monday 7th AugustDay 4

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A Legacy owners weekend away at the Nürburgring, but with only two Legacys in attendance as most decided to take their daily drive cars.

Day 1 saw #P733RBK blow a head gasket in a big way dumping all of it's water on a French motorway, and with no quick fix it was left in a long-stay car park until the return journey, leaving just one Subaru on the trip! (It was later discovered that it wasn't a head gasket that failed, it was a headstud bolt)