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Search by Chassis Number or VINSubaru Applied Model Code Search

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Use this page to search the LegacyPic database of 3,761 distinct Subaru Applied Model codes, covering 5,843 regional or model variations.

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4,519 Production Cars found in 1 Regional or Model Variation

Subaru Legacy (First Generation) 4-Door Sedan (BC)
United States Domestic Market (Left-Hand Drive) for North America #USDM
MY 1990BC6AY3GLegacy L5MTFWDEJ22E132 PS

4,519 additional cars found that were either not part of mainstream production, or there is insufficient information currently available to correctly identify them. This may include prototype, pre-production, or special-order fleet cars. The Subarus listed below may not have been available for the public to buy but are included in an attempt to provide accurate records.

Subaru Legacy (First Generation) 4-Door Sedan (BC)
United States Domestic Market (Left-Hand Drive) for North America #USDM
MY 1990BC6AY3G

Subaru Applied Model code location

Subaru VIN plate location
Subaru Legacy GT-B VIN plate

The Applied Model is a 7-digit code number that is used by Subaru to identify a car’s specification, but unlike the Chassis Number or VIN, this does not uniquely identify an individual car. Almost all Subaru cars have the Applied Model stamped on a metal plate that can be found riveted to the top of the near-side strut tower, although some newer models have the plate in one of the front door frames.

The information encoded within the Applied Model number contains details of the vehicle’s model, body type, engine type, gearbox, trim-level and period of production. By entering you car’s Applied Model number at the top of the page you will be able to decode this number and view the specification of your car. The search may give more than one result as cars with minor regional or specification variations often use the same code. Where more than one result is found, the Option Code can often be used to narrow the search, and a list of Option Codes used for each model is shown on the Specification page.