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SIA Built

Register for Subarus built at the SIA plant

In 1989, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (now Subaru Corp.) and Isuzu opened a new vehicle production facility in Lafayette, Indiana USA, known as Subaru-Isuzu Automotive (SIA), later renamed to Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. signifying the sole ownership by Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.

The site is used to build Subaru models primarily for the North American and Canadian markets, but also for selected models for the European and General markets. This Register is for Subaru cars built by SIA.

44 Subarus found

#RHDWGN AvatarRHDWGNBK7AYUR-PA4S3BK6955S8-31####  1994
Subaru Legacy L#Postal#Repaint#EJ22#USDM#E-4ATOwned by @MajorSir 6 Photographs
#Starfire AvatarStarfireBK7BYUR-PA4S3BK4956T8-30####  1995
Subaru Legacy L#Postal#EJ22#USDM#E-4ATOwned by @Enzoswhips
#JXD4348 AvatarJXD4348BG7BY4M-OW4S3BG4855T6-98####  1996
Subaru Legacy Outback#EJ22#HighRider#USDM#LHD#5MTOwned by @Subaruanon 1 Photograph
#LegacyGL AvatarLegacyGLBK9CY8E-TR4S3BK665XV7-30####  1996
Subaru Legacy LSi#USDM#PureWhite#E-4AT#LHDOwned by @FrKing2884
#4S3BG6 Avatar4S3BG6BG9CY4E-TL4S3BG6855V7-61####  1996
Subaru Outback Limited#HighRider#USDM#E-4AT#LHDOwned by @Ryceritops 3 Photographs
#unknown AvatarunknownBG9CY4F-OW4S3BG6857V6-61####  1996
Subaru Outback#RIP#HighRider#USDM#LHD#5MTOwned by @Subaruanon
#DIANA AvatarDIANABG5DL3J-AMJF1BG5LJ4VS-91####  1997
Subaru Legacy 2.0 LX AWD#LHD#5MTOwned by @Hundertpro 3 Photographs
#BMB3114 AvatarBMB3114BK9DY5F-DY4S3BK6750W6-31####  1997
Subaru Legacy 2.5 GT#USDM#Decade+#LHD#5MTOwned by @Subaruanon 1 Photograph
#T660LAG AvatarT660LAGBG5EK3J-HVJF1BG5KJ4WS-91####  1998
Subaru Legacy 2.0 LX Classic AWD#RIP#UKLegacy#UK-Spec#PureWhite#5MTOwned by @Tlag 4 Photographs
#T472SCD AvatarT472SCDBG5FK3J-HHJF1BG5KJ4XS-91####  1998
Subaru Legacy 2.0 LX Classic AWD#RIP#ShinyRed#UKLegacy#UK-Spec#5MTOwned by @Claire 3 Photographs
Showing the first 10 of 44 Subarus…Show More

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